All about Current & Upcoming IPOs


What is an IPO?

 A private firm releases shares to the general public, institutional investors, and retail investors through an initial public offering (IPO). There are hardly any shareholders of any company before the release of their planned IPO in India. Owners, angel investors, and venture capitalists are all included in this. However, the corporation makes its shares accessible for public purchase following the issuance of an IPO. Investors can become shareholders by purchasing the company's shares directly from the business.

List of Current & Upcoming IPOs

Investors' enthusiasm for investing in initial public offerings (IPOs) has reached a record level, which is why traders and investors anxiously await incoming IPOs. The easiest approach to achieve this is to keep a close eye on forthcoming IPOs with promising growth prospects. Upcoming IPOs are those that are scheduled to go public soon and have been approved by SEBI. We have included every future IPO in India on this page, together with information on their opening and closing dates, total budget, price, lot size, and other factors.


The best method for corporations to raise funds is to launch an IPO. In addition to raising money for IPOs, these businesses also use them to make acquisitions, pay off debt, and more.

Terms about a forthcoming IPO in India

IPO Opening & Closing Date - The live/current IPO's opening and closing dates are when investors can submit applications.

pricing range

One equity share costs this much. For fixed-price IPOs, this price is fixed, but it may vary for book-building IPOs. By comparing them to our list of upcoming IPOs in India, as described above, you can tell them apart.

Lot Size

The minimum number of shares that a bidder must provide to participate in an IPO.

"IPO Size"

The Net Value of a recently completed or upcoming IPO. Net value is often expressed in crores.


In India, the term "Exchange" refers to the stock exchange where the future IPO would be listed.

The practice of providing information regarding the number of shares allotted to each investor once they apply to any prospective IPO in India is known as IPO allotment. One frequently encounters situations where he receives fewer shares than he requested.


